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MBA in France for International Students

MBA in France

MBA in France is one of the popular choices of graduate students across the world. The business schools in France offer the top-quality education. These schools offer a range of specialisation in the MBA. If you are looking forward to pursuing your MBA degree in France, here is the complete guide for you.

How to do MBA in France for international students

If are sure about your decision of pursuing MBA in France, here are the steps you need to follow:

Best MBA colleges in France

There are not 10 or 20 but lots of business school options for international students in France. You can choose one that suits your academic career and budget. Here we have listed some of the top MBA colleges in France for international students:

Specialisation in MBA in France

French universities offer diverse ranges of specialisation in MBA to choose from. You will surely find your suitable subject in the management universities in France. Here are some popular specialisations:

Course Duration

The duration of the MBA programme in France differs from university to university. Some Business schools offer a course duration of two years which is 24 months while others have a 16-months MBA crash course. If you are applying for an MBA diploma, then the duration will be a minimum of one year.

MBA in France requirements

For the admission process in the business universities in France, you need to submit some supporting documents in the application. Different institutions ask for different documents, you need to check the respective website of your chosen university. The common requirements for the application process are as follows :

MBA in France without GMAT

At present many MBA universities demand GMAT to give admissions. But the good news is that many other universities are also there that give admission to MBA students without GMAT. However, these business schools will emphasize more on an overall assessment of the candidates. These schools give preferences to your 

You should go through this: MBA in France without GMAT

Scholarships to Study MBA in France

If you find difficulty in the arrangement of funds to do an MBA in France, you can apply for scholarships. Before applying to any scholarship, you should check the eligibility criteria and requirements. If you fulfill the particular criteria, without wasting a single minute apply for the scholarship to make your study abroad in France journey easy. Here are few scholarships listed below:

For more information on scholarships for international students, you can check this out: Scholarships in FranceMBA from higher education institutions in France provides you with an opportunity to learn from world-class professors, communicate with people coming from different backgrounds, and experience a memorable life. So what are you waiting for? Stand up and start your process. You can even take guidance and help from

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